When it comes to chocolate, almost everybody loves it. People like it so much, they have found reasons to consider eating this heavenly sweet nutritious and healthy (well, at least dark chocolate). One of the biggest producers of various sorts of chocolate, the Swiss, like it so much they eat almost 9 kilograms of it (yes, that’s 20 lbs). Spain’s consumption of “cocoa and chocolate products consumed between 2010 and 2012 increased by around 15 million kilograms” and two Spanish creative entities – a branding consultancy that specializes in making brands grow and to become “big”, We Are Small, and Daniel Alvarez, one of the most renowned pastry chefs and chocolatiers in Spain – joined forces and introduced design for traditional “pastelería”, or cupcake shop, Dalúa based in Elche (Alicante).
The design that is both tasty and tasteful at the same time ranges from retail bags and bread sleeves to cake boxes and chocolate bars. The agency faced a challenge to reflect tradition of the family brand, whilst presenting a challenging future. Daniel Alvarez spent his childhood among the aroma of vanilla, flour and almonds and the agency seeks to bring all these memories into the design – a craftsman hidden from the eyes of customers sculpting unique and high-quality sweets for every occasion.
The logo of the shop is presented with simple, yet powerful typography, elegant and modern textures of white flour and dark chocolate. The packaging evokes the magic of Dalúa’s products that intends to bring “true sensory experience [both] during and after consumption” with a collage of photographs and illustrations. These tell us stories about how the traditional sweet bread loaf called Panettone is made, or the origin of signature chocolates.
We Are Small