South Africa has some of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, so to help prevent the disease, earlier this summer skin care brand Nivea and FCB Capetown turned applying sunscreen into a fun activity for kids. They designed a waterslide that applies waterproof SPF 50+ sunscreen to kids while they use it. No need for parents to run around, nagging their children only to haphazardly apply sunscreen, the slide apparently covers all the hard-to-reach places. All a kid has to do is slide down (with goggles, of course). According to FCB, the one slide covered 100 kids every hour.

FCB and Nivea have teamed up to make prior creative projects like a UV-sensitive doll that turns into a sunburn if kids don’t protect it or creating a solar powered print ad that can charge your cellphone.

Certainly beats Nivea’s earlier stunt using a seagull drone that poops sunscreen

Client: Nivea
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Director: Troy Davies
Art Director: Rowan Foxcroft
Copywriter: Jonathan Ollivier