Have you ever wondered about what would animals say to us humans if they could ever talk? And what if they could sing it? In an emotional portrayal of such animals’ thoughts, DDB New York has created a brilliant stop-motion animation video entitled simply “Dream”. It aims to generate buzz and attract attention to the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival’s main event, that takes place in New York this weekend, by showing singing animals in their natural habitats singing about the times when their life was good, and then after the man came…wccf-dream-seals-group-single


The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF) is an academic organization that uses the video to make a plea to their audience and “Come make a difference with the WC Film Festival”. Their mission is to inform, engage and inspire broader audiences about the “need for importance of the protection of global biodiversity”. The WCFF attempts do so through annual film festivals in New York, Beijing, and the annual Biodiversity Conference in New York. WCFF also engages in monthly programs in New York and other cities that include film screenings, business & social networking events, and presentations, which are all attended by international wildlife conservationists, filmmakers, photographers, scientists and also all people across the world that make effort towards preserving global biodiversity and animal life.wccf-dream-seals-boat-small-single

The video, set to a newly recorded version of the classic song “I Dreamed a Dream”, sorrowfully captures the plight of four distinct animal species that suffer at the hands of humans. First we see the animals vocalize their happiness in man-unaffected surroundings, and while the song shifts in tone, the animation production company Zombie Studios keeps the animals singing as their lives are foreshadowed by man-made threats and exploitation of their lives and environment. The production company worked with music and sound partner Mophonics to bring the song to life with the following guest vocalists:

The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival takes place at the Marjorie S. Deane Little Theater in New York City on October 17-24. You can purchase your tickets online here. Or if you wish to help the cause, you can make a donation here.wccf-dream-seals-group3-single

You can also learn more about the first and only film festival in North America dedicated to inform, engage and inspire the protection of global biodiversity in their 2016 trailer:


DDB New York & WCFF Festival

Photos: Zombie Studio