No matter how annoying we find coffee stains to be, we just have to accept that they will be here for as long as coffee beans will exist. They are part of our daily lives so we might as well learn how to live and deal with them. Accepting them might be hard enough because who on Earth would tolerate coffee stains? Well… what if we tell you that it is the Earth itself the one to enjoy that mark a cup of espresso leaves on a table?

In a new initiative by agency Happiness, an FCB alliance, Másalto Espresso gives a new meaning to coffee stains, one that would please coffee enthusiasts, environmental activists, as well as packaging design fans! Dear readers, please discover the brand’s recycling stain, a stamp the company’s fully recyclable paper cups leave behind to remind people about the importance of strengthening the bond with the Earth via apparently small acts, such as recycling, but which show how deeply we care about nature.

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Millions of such containers are used around the world, yet the thin layer of plastic they contain inside makes them unrecyclable. It is also because of that layer of plastic that paper cups can’t even make it to wastepaper baskets. Luckily, things are about to change, as the brand introduces its fully recyclable containers to its customers. To spread the news, the Belgian agency came up with a sustainable design solution to help educate consumers about the importance of having an eco-friendly behavior.

By taking the advantage of the “coffee ring effect” —  that annoying stain that accidentally appears on a table or a counter when enjoying a latte — Másalto enables the Earth to communicate with its humans in such a creative way that not many people will find upsetting.

Másalto Espresso does all it can to respect the coffee bush. This latest initiative can be seen as a declaration of love the brand dedicates to the place that hosts this wonderful plant — nature — hoping that, with a bit of effort from humans, the Earth will continue to provide us with the much-appreciated beans that make our lives better. So, next time you pick up a cup of coffee to boost your day, remind yourself that the planet needs an extra dose of energy as well, so you’d probably want to help it by recycling the cup upon finishing your hot drink.

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Client: Másalto Espresso

Agency: Happiness, an FCB alliance

Client contact: Svea Gille

CCO: Geoffrey Hantson

ECD: Philippe Fass

Concept Provider: Elmer Tazartez

Design: Pascal Delfosse / Dries Lauwers / Romy Styleman

Photo: Thomas Van Der Vennet

Business Director: Pascal Kemajou

Account Manager: Corentin Deneufbourg / Katia de Le Hoye

Connectivity & Content Director: Marine Vandenplas