Born in 2011, the new business consultancy for creative agencies Future Factory hasĀ been the coach of more than 300 agencies throughout this time. Carefully developing and delivering new business strategies to them, the consultancy makes sure that agencies not only reach their goal but they also build valuable relationships with the right people.
A decade of successful activity and a massive 35% surge in business growth since 2020 later — which the founders credit to a significant shift in the new business climate during the pandemic, with the agencies across the industry no longer having a strong and predictable plan of client spend and business — Future Factory embraces a new look, set to facilitate better communication with the agencies.
“The traditional pitch process is in flux. It’s harder than ever to find the right work, and the pandemic made agencies realize how vulnerable they can be if they rely on inbound new business. Plus, with talent shortages and having to turn down work, agencies want to make sure the work they do take on is dream work, and not just whatever comes through the door. We help agencies proactively get the type of work they really want, and from the brands that light them up,” explains Alex Sibille, Co-Founder at Future Factory.
Developed by design and brand consultancy DutchScot, the vibrant new identity puts into motion how Future Factory plans to visually connect with the creative agencies by avoiding the “anti-design” look that most lead-gen businesses embrace. Instead, to make the brand more impactful, the London-based studio generated Future Factory’s new identity by playing on the meaning of the “factory” word.
Although the resulted dynamic illustrations might make viewers think of an assembly line, the overall rebrand is, in fact, a contrast between the name and the consultancy’s work, which is anything but mass-produced.
Jacob Vanderkar, Creative Partner at DutchScot said: “We loved the juxtaposition between the mass-produced, ‘Factory’ element of their name, and the very personable, bespoke, and tailored way in which they work. That felt like a combination that could be really fruitful to play with and it turned out to be exactly that.”
Future Factory’s previous brand was developed by the consultancy’s Co-Founder, Dan Sudron. It was based on a royalty-free vector which, the team had discovered later, was used by English musician Thom Yorke on the cover of his “The Eraser” album.
“While sharing something in common with Thom Yorke was pretty cool for a while — it’s time that we ensured our brand reflected what we do and where we’re headed. The last two years have taught us that you don’t have to be physically in-house to be part of an agency, understand it, represent it, and help with its growth. In that sense, we’re like a surrogate new business team. 75% of the new business connections our team creates are with C-Suite or Director or Head of or VP, and those are the people that hold the budgets and briefs for our clients. We help agencies get back to growth by building connections with the brands that they dream of working with,” explains Sudron.
DutchScot’s work for Future Factory is visible as of 6th April and can be admired while browsing the consultancy’s webpage.

Client: Future Factory
Studio: DutchScot