Although this Polish advert might have not gotten to YouTube’s Top 10 Xmas Ads of 2016, it is still one of the best thought-out Christmas-themed commercials. If you have ever struggled with learning a foreign language then you will get the first feelings of struggle – stickers, endless nights of repeating basic phrases and grammar, and then comes the pronunciation. Now, imagine you are 60 years old. Why would you even undertake such a task? You definitely do need a big reason to go through all this is. Just watch this advert for Polish largest trading platform and find “what you are looking for”.


Labelled ‘What are you looking for at Christmas’ and with over 11 million views, the advert for the most popular Polish online auction website  — — has taken the internet by storm. The Warsaw-based agency Bardzo created a story about an elderly Pole, called Robert, who against all odds decides to learn English. So, he orders a book called “English For Beginners” and takes on learning the popular language.allegropl-english-for-beginners-mirror

He tries all ways of remembering the basic nuances of declension, learning various vocabulary and repeats endlessly necessary and vital phrases – like “I love you,” “You are perfect,” “Show me the way to the beach,” and at last “I will kill you,” (oh, we don’t know how that one got in there). Finally, as the Christmas time comes our elderly student nervously sets on another journey to visits his family and after all this time he can finally use what he has learned. See the heart-warming result for yourselves, and don’t worry – the English is not that complicated this time.

